
The Social Nature of Scientific Inquiry

I have a good friend who studied evolutionary ecology during our undergraduate years. He eats science for breakfast. The scientific method is his guiding principle. At our last get together, I began talking about science as a cultural phenomenon. This conversation graduated into an entire day's debate about the cultural nature of the scientific method.

Methods to the Madness: One Anthropologist's Quest for the Perfect Interview Question

One purpose of anthropology is to understand human cultural diversity, and therefore the  methods to understand this diversity must delve into human experience. Cultural anthropology research design requires that researchers spend long hours in the field with participants, learning behaviors, beliefs, experiences, relationships, and myriad other aspects of human life. And the research can seem

From Agriculture to the Atom Bomb: Has Human Activity Forced Earth into a New Geologic Epoch?

For decades millions of visitors wound their way underneath the towering skeletons of Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops at Washington, D.C.'s Museum of Natural History. Now, the National Fossil Hall has closed as curators work on a revamped exhibition, tentatively titled “Deep Time,” set to open in 2019. Alongside the dinosaur skeletons that have long dominated

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