Chaitanya Tondepu

Riding the Brain Wave

Wurzburg, Germany, 1892. Hans Berger was in military training when he was suddenly thrown off his horse and injured. That same evening, Berger received a telegram from his family coincidentally inquiring about his health. This event instigated an ambition in Berger to discover the neural basis of ‘telepathy', communication of thoughts between people without the

Blinded by the Blue Light

”Don't stare at your phone/computer too much, you will hurt your eyes” – we've probably all heard this at some point in our lives. Is this true? Does staring at a screen really “hurt” your eyes? What other effects does it have on the body, and is it something that will impact our health as

Big Science, Small Satellites

Is it a star? A moon? A comet even? No, it's a satellite! NASA broadly defines a satellite as a moon, planet, or machine that orbits a planet or star. More specifically, “natural” satellites include the Earth, which revolves around the Sun, and the moon which revolves around the Earth. On the other hand, there

How to Build a Better Brain: Failing to Follow Through?

It's officially February, the groundhog predicted an early Spring, and I'm still staying up past 2am every night, despite my resolution to get more sleep. We are a month into 2019, and it's around the time when people start dropping their resolutions like a serious game of hot potato. Why is this? Why do we

CSI Athens: Crime Scene Science

Every contact leaves a trace. ‘Locard's Exchange Principle', the underlying premise of modern forensic science, describes a perpetrator's involuntary act of leaving traces behind in a crime scene in exchange for taking some sort of trackable evidence with him. Traces, including blood, saliva, fabric, dirt, prints, and weapons, are meticulously collected by the crime scene

Smart(y) Pants: Putting the Tech in Textiles

Nowadays, it feels like we're living in a sci-fi movie with the development of self-driving cars, technology we can talk to, and watches that monitor our day-to-day activities. All that's missing is a suit and cape, right?… we're working on it! Smart textiles, or e-textiles, are fabrics that are interwoven with technology to provide user

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