Circadian Rhythms

Social jetlag: No plane required

When my alarm wakes me up at 7:30am on Monday, the first thought that pops into my head is “Oh dear lord, why?” After a beautiful weekend of sleeping in, enough to fill my heart's content, readjusting to my weekday schedule is a constant challenge. I feel tired, irritable, and my thoughts are as murky

Blinded by the Blue Light

”Don't stare at your phone/computer too much, you will hurt your eyes” – we've probably all heard this at some point in our lives. Is this true? Does staring at a screen really “hurt” your eyes? What other effects does it have on the body, and is it something that will impact our health as

Tired ‘Round the (Circadian) Clock

Everyone knows what it's like to feel tired. If you're a student, you probably know what it means to feel completely exhausted. You likely could also pinpoint exactly why you are exhausted – you stayed up cramming all night for that big test, or just couldn't turn off Netflix even though you had class early

But First, a Nap

It's Monday morning. About 15 minutes into my 9AM evolution class, I'm starting to nod off. C'mon, wake up, I tell myself. I look down at my notes and they're totally incoherent. I reach for my tea. Ah yes, caffeine. What time is it? Only 9:26? How can that be?! For me, the worst part

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