
The Secret World of Plant Chemistry: Plant Communication

Part II of the series exploring plant chemistry through different lenses. Plants are the perfect embodiments of natural selection – they can't just get up and move; so whatever adversity they face, they generally have to stick it out. It leaves the strongest individuals to survive while the weaker ones perish. This situation warrants some

More Than Just a Pretty Song

Birds the world over greet the morning with their songs. Some are hauntingly melodic, like that of the hermit thrush. Others sound liquid and alien, like brown headed cow-birds, who as brood parasites are raised in the nests of other birds. Whether bird songs lighten your spirits or simply wake you from peaceful slumber (blue

You used to call me on my cell phone…

My baby brother is 16, a rising high school junior. As much as I love him, he can really be a pain. He's too smart to take advice, too cool to be silly, too busy to bother. “You were just like him”, my parents tell me. Obviously the 10 year gap between my adolescence and

Behind the Scenes of Academic Publishing

by Uma Nagendra: What is academic publishing, and why is it so special? Why does Science Magazine have a blog now? ASO goes behind the scenes at HighWire Press to find out the basics of academic publishing — and a sneak peak at the future! About the author Uma Nagendra is a PhD Candidate at

Clever Crows: Noticing More Than You Think

For most of history, humans have thought of ourselves as distinguished from the rest of the animal life on this planet. We have the incredible ability to take in the world around us, understand it, and then proceed to manipulate the world to our own advantage. Some have argued what encapsulates our ability to do

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