
Dried Chili Peppers” by Yamen is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Why is it spicy?

You look down at the ramen in front of you. The aroma is enticing, smelling of cinnamon, turmeric, and chilies. As the sauce enters your mouth, your eyes start to water, your nose runs, and your whole mouth is on fire, but you love it. Why? People around the world use chili peppers to enhance

Men control the reproductive rights of plants too

When confronted with the imprecise notion of “sustainability” in agriculture, most people's thoughts drift to ideas of ecologically-mindful land management practices. I'll dub these concepts “the classics”: rotate your crops, use less fertilizer and pesticides, always employ cover cropping. While these ideas are not wrong, they are incomplete in that they tend to omit some

This is Your Brain on Food: The Science of Food Addiction

For years we've heard about drug and alcohol addictions, but what about food addictions? Is it possible to be addicted to food? Doctors and scientists have debated whether food addiction is real and remains a controversial topic. Until now research on food addiction has been lacking, but new studies have suggested food addiction may truly

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