machine learning

mule deer in a field

Machine Learning for Ecologists and Other Interesting People

Every spring, graduate students at the Odum School of Ecology at the University of Georgia organize a short weekly seminar around an interesting theme. This year, the theme is “Machine Learning for Ecologists”. At first glance, machine learning may not seem very related to a discipline mostly concerned with the distribution and abundance of organisms,

My machine learns better than me

Have you ever used Siri to check the weather for the week, for your trip to the beach, or to check if that cough you have this morning means you're dying and don't need to go to class? What about those pesky ads on Facebook or Instagram that seem directly related to your interests? What

Mo’ Data, Mo’ Problems

Anyone who has read my previous post on “Why Computers Can't do Everything” knows the Information Technology industry has an uncanny ability to generate a variety of buzzwords to try to convince the public that their computing capability has no limits. In fact, these “buzzwords” have generated so much public interest that Gartner, Inc., a

Why Computers Can't Do Everything

In the modern computing world, many tech companies want you to believe that the limitations of computing do not exist. In this idealized world, computers seem to have the ability to do everything, and all your tech giants (Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, etc.) are working tirelessly to reach this reality. They will throw out buzzwords,

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