
The Three Funketeers: Saving Beer from Traditional Fermentation!

Welcome back beer fans to the second to last article on the Science of Beer. We've covered water, grain, hops, and traditional fermentation, but now we'll focus on wild fermentation, a process as old as beer itself. A process in which wort is fermented using microbes found in the surrounding environment. These often include our

Rethinking Anorexia: Making the Biopsychosocial Connection

With only 50% of patients recovering fully in the long-term, anorexia is the deadliest psychiatric disorder. Typically associated with poor body-image and unhealthy eating habits, anorexia has captivated and bewildered the minds of laymen and scientists alike. While not every person suffering from anorexia is underweight,  there is still a general misunderstanding of what is

Bears in Space

Try picturing a 600 lb grizzly bear floating through space without the protection of a handy space suit. Unfortunately for our furry friend, let's call them Oswald, they would definitely die within minutes due to hypoxia or from the loss of external pressure. Also, Oswald would probably get some gnarly burns from the cosmic radiation.

Earth’s Microscopic Superhero

Everyone loves a good superhero, and while the mythical abilities of our favorite crime-fighting defenders have captured imaginations for decades, our own humble planet has produced organisms that make the fictional feats of Iron Man or Captain America pale in comparison. In fact, one of the most impressive real-life superheros can be found right under

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