Natalie Eldredge

Tired ‘Round the (Circadian) Clock

Everyone knows what it's like to feel tired. If you're a student, you probably know what it means to feel completely exhausted. You likely could also pinpoint exactly why you are exhausted – you stayed up cramming all night for that big test, or just couldn't turn off Netflix even though you had class early

The Skinny on Dieting

We've all seen the infamous weight loss advertisements – the ones that claim to have finally found the magic diet that will absolutely make you lose weight. You can look at virtually any store's checkout line to find dozens of diet plans endorsed by celebrities. However, most people don't know that dieting can be counter

The Great Decide: Health Promotion in Our Everyday Choices

Our days are made up of thousands of decisions – both big and small, simple and complex. Generally we respond to these decisions by acting in our best interests. Yet have you ever decided to do something you knew would be bad for you? Chances are, you have. Usually,  these are small decisions of small

Surging Infant Mortality Rates in African-American Women: Is Racism to Blame?

As February comes to a close, so does the official observation of Black History Month. But, just as the ending of a month does not signify a sudden disregard for black history or culture, the long-standing effects of racism do not simply go away as the result of an end to government-sponsored slavery and segregation.

The More You Know: Presidential Candidates’ Answers to Science Policy Questions

by Natalie Eldredge The White House, Washington, D.C. by Diego Cambiaso Here's why you should be paying attention to the latest presidential campaign news: whether you hate or love politics, the outcomes of our elections have very real impacts on all of our lives. To catch up on the most recent comments by both candidates,

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