
It actually isn’t that weird to see grey squirrels in the winter

Close your eyes and imagine the first snowfall in a forest from your favorite film. What are the wildlife doing? What are they preparing for? Now fast forward to the first day of spring: when all the snow melts, the grass grows greener, and the pink flowers immediately blossom. What are the wildlife doing now?

Social jetlag: No plane required

When my alarm wakes me up at 7:30am on Monday, the first thought that pops into my head is “Oh dear lord, why?” After a beautiful weekend of sleeping in, enough to fill my heart's content, readjusting to my weekday schedule is a constant challenge. I feel tired, irritable, and my thoughts are as murky

Awake While Dreaming?

You are in a meadow, walking. You reach the edge of a steep cliff, but you don't stop…… wait, are you OK? Yes! You seem to be gliding effortlessly through the cool breeze, feeling fantastic. You realize that you are FLYING! But, what do you want to do next? Talk to God or dine with

Six Hours Until Sunrise and a Binder Full of Notes

Sleep deprivation is something everyone has experienced. We spend a third of our lives snoozing, or we should. Occasionally, we procrastinate or misjudge how long something is going to take, turning what should be a chance for the various functions of your body to reset and undergo maintenance into a productivity marathon.

But First, a Nap

It's Monday morning. About 15 minutes into my 9AM evolution class, I'm starting to nod off. C'mon, wake up, I tell myself. I look down at my notes and they're totally incoherent. I reach for my tea. Ah yes, caffeine. What time is it? Only 9:26? How can that be?! For me, the worst part

The Science of Sleep: Unraveling Biology and Culture

The rate of insomnia in the U.S. is climbing, and with it, so too are a host of health problems blamed on inadequate sleep. Getting our eight or more hours per night has become a common concern and has encouraged a growing industry of sleep aids, such as pills, light blocking curtains, and glasses built

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