For Undergraduates

Renaissance painting of Aristotle and Plato conversing

A Brief History of Dev Bio, and how I fit into that history too!

Developmental biologist John Wallingford, in We’re all Developmental Biologists argued that anyone who has ever wondered how a loved one’s pregnancy is going “has contemplated the embryo.” Humans have naturally been curious about how organisms grow to become a certain species, and as such I found myself pulled into dev bio research too. Developmental Biology

Ready, Set, Grow! Confessions of a pre-med student performing undergraduate research

As a campus tour guide, I get to interact with high schoolers considering spending four years (and lots of money) at the University of Georgia. When I ask if any prospective students are  interested in conducting undergraduate science research, more often than not, I'm met with confused looks rather than eagerly raised hands. Four years

Got My PhD! Now What? Science With a Social Conscience

Interview with Stephanie Pearl, PhD; written by Anna Lau, PhD As cofounder of the Athens Science Café, Dr. Stephanie Pearl occupies a special place in our collective heart. She shared with me her path to a nontraditional career as a Science Communicator at a federal agency. What struck me was how her concern for issues

Science and Social Media: A practical guide to science tweeting

Social media is revolutionizing the way scientists communicate and share their work. There are good reasons they are doing so, too. Being on a service like Twitter enriches a conference experience. It's networking tool and a way to get your science noticed It's exciting because the potential is there to better connect to scientists within

Undergraduate Research: How it sets you apart and how to get started

by: Rishi R. Masalia, Pre-Professional Advice Editor “In the competitive field of biology, how do you recommend undergraduates set themselves apart? How do we get involved in things like undergraduate research?” As an undergraduate student at a large university (like UGA) it's pretty easy to get lost in the shuffle. College enrollment for STEM (Science,

Conference Networking Tips & Tricks for STEM students

by: Rishi R. Masalia, Pre-Professional Advice Editor “I understand that networking happens at science conferences, but how do you actually go about doing this?” As doe-eyed graduate or undergraduate students we step into the world of science and naively think it's a meritocracy, or a world where scientific ability solely drives success. But it's important

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