
Two Steps to Better Communicate Science With Clarity

I remember when I fell in love with science. It was when I saw the T. Rex for the first time in Jurassic Park. This …

A massive worm is rising its head out of a sand dune while two indistinguishable human figures look in awe.

Going full worm: an exploration of Shai-hulud and its parallels to the real worms on Earth

Shai-hulud, or the giant sandworm, exists in Dune both as a mode of transportation, a generator of spice, and a key player in the ecological …

pine needles that turn to brown along the tips with small growths along the needles

How climate change makes trees sicker

         We are heavily entwined with forests. The structure of your house is likely southern pine. The package you ordered in the mail is encased …

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