Who gives a hoot? A wildlife management tale of two owls
If you’ve spent a significant amount of time on the South campus of the University of Georgia, you’ve probably heard talk of the “Warnowl,” and …
To Kill or Not to Kill: a Surprisingly Difficult Call
Ask a shelter worker what’s the most difficult moment in their job. In an open-admission, municipal shelter, you’re likely to get one answer- euthanasia. When …
Spuds and Science: Digging Up the Origins and Future of the Potato
The next time you and your friends share some fries, impress them with some knowledge on your favorite side dish. They’ll be amazed to learn …
Editorial picks
The Injustice of Texas Senate Bill 8
Not all invasive species are created equal
The Disconnect Between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Conservation, and How We Resolve It
Picture this: you find yourself strolling into a small, crowded shop in downtown Hong Kong. As you cross the threshold, a barrage of strange sights and smells attacks your nose and vision. As you turn your gaze to the walls, you notice shelves upon shelves of animal parts, mysterious fungi, and dubious bunches of dried