Life with and without Social Media: a Nick Batora Story

“Your life exists outside of television and likes, and Instagram.  Engage the world.” Jon Stewart snapped these words out in a recent interview that he did with David Axelrod.  His point is one that resonated with me. Not only because he's Jon Stewart and I believe most Americans miss him dearly as of late with

Test tube babies: freaky fiction or possible future?

Imagine a future where procreation happens in a laboratory, and not in the bedroom. Scientists derive embryos from a simple skin sample. Children are screened prenatally for any number of traits that their parents deem desirable. Things as simple as eye color and hair color could be discovered before parents even decide on a name.

The Sweet, Sweet Taste of Ripening

Anyone who knows me knows my love for blueberries.  Besides being a nutrient-packed super fruit, blueberries are also a major agricultural commodity for Georgia. Our state recently beat out Michigan to become number 1 in blueberry production in the nation. Because of this, I decided to take a part time job helping an ongoing study

Drug Bugs Could Replace Sniffer Dogs in the Detection of Illegal Drugs

While waiting in line at TSA a few weeks ago, I was sniffed by a drug dog and his handler (well, the handler didn't sniff me, but you know what I mean). Resisting the urge to get on the floor and roll around with the absolutely adorable black lab, I stood patiently in line as

Big Things Come in Small Packages

Some of the most powerful things are quite small: a microscopic virus can defeat an elephant; Giant Redwoods grow from tiny seeds; a computer chip the size of your fingernail can send us to Jupiter and back; and just one minuscule sperm cell can fertilize an egg and start new life. In most animals, sperm

The Squeeze on Octopus Tentacles

The long-awaited sequel to Pixar's Finding Nemo, Finding Dory, features a new major character named Hank, an octopus who helps Dory in her journey home. Hank's creation took longer than any other character because octopus tentacle movement and behavior is so difficult to mimic. Animators needed two years to animate just one scene with Hank!

Adaptation through agile software development

The real world is brutal. You've heard it all before. This globalized world is becoming more competitive than ever; it's getting harder and harder to succeed out there, especially when it comes to software development. Who can compete with the likes of Apple, Google, and Microsoft in developing ideas and software? It seems as if

Why Computers Can't Do Everything

In the modern computing world, many tech companies want you to believe that the limitations of computing do not exist. In this idealized world, computers seem to have the ability to do everything, and all your tech giants (Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, etc.) are working tirelessly to reach this reality. They will throw out buzzwords,

The Amazing Spider-Man: Fiction or A Transgenic Reality?

Spider-Man is one of comic's most recognizable characters. As one of the most tragic superheros in the Marvel universe, Peter Parker has endured it all – high school bullying, awkward romance, and even the death of his Uncle Ben. No matter what the Marvel universe throws at him, Peter takes it in stride, allowing readers

The Cutting Edge of Ant Civilization

We're familiar with ants as picnic-skimming and foot-biting pests, but just below the soil's surface, ants live surprisingly complex and intricate lives. The leaf cutting ants, or leaf cutters, live in a way that's particularly alien to us, as the dominant herbivore (or perhaps “fungivore”) of South American rainforests. Ant colonies as superorganisms Rather than

You used to call me on my cell phone…

My baby brother is 16, a rising high school junior. As much as I love him, he can really be a pain. He's too smart to take advice, too cool to be silly, too busy to bother. “You were just like him”, my parents tell me. Obviously the 10 year gap between my adolescence and

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