August 3, 2017

Symmetry and Physics

If you are interested in trying to understand physics, either at a technical level or at an amateur level, at some point you will inevitably hear a physicist waxing on about the beauty of the physical laws. This might sound very strange if your view of physics is tedious calculations and horrible professors tricking you

Origami: The Ancient Art of Designing New Things

When thinking of origami you may imagine brightly-colored squares of paper folded into cranes and flowers. But did you know that origami has inspired the design of many everyday objects including take-out boxes and airbags? The art of transforming flat sheets into 3D objects can be used to design many devices in our modern day world.

Stressed Out: The Addiction You Might Not Know You Have

Stress is a daily occurrence in all of our lives, and often comes in waves. Take college finals week, for example. A week where students all over the country lock themselves in the library, their dorm room, or favorite coffee shop to go over every topic learned throughout the semester in hopes of walking away

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