Science Communication

Your Latest [Artificial] Intelligence Report

With the technology introduction of the personal assistant Siri and the promise of a completely self-driving car from Tesla soon, artificial intelligence (AI) is radically changing the modern world. AI is an umbrella term to describe advancements that allow machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs, and perform human-like tasks. AI learns and

Maternity Care (Or Rather Lack Thereof) in STEM

In recent decades, we have seen an increase in women holding STEM related careers. Today, 25% of workers in STEM fields are female. It is time to begin the conversation on how policies, whether at the institute level or federal level, are going to affect our growing workforce of women. Although reliant on the growing

Get the most out of grad school using these 11 guidelines: Part 2

Graduate school is hard. Surprise! Eh, probably not a surprise, but in general graduate school is a lot more demanding than college. Pursuing a Ph.D. or M.S. degree in a STEM field often relies on creative and diverse thinking and enormous amounts of independently driven work. It's the independent nature of graduate school that makes

Get the most out of grad school using these 11 guidelines: Part 1

Graduate school is hard. Surprise! Eh, probably not a surprise, but in general graduate school is a lot more demanding than college. Pursuing a Ph.D. or M.S. degree in a STEM field often relies on creative and diverse thinking, and enormous amounts of independently driven work. It's the independent nature of graduate school that makes

The Power of Pollinators – More than Just Honey

One would be hard pressed to take a walk through the Athens Farmers' Market in mid-summer, and not be struck by the bounty offered by Georgia farmers and producers. The wide variety of fruits and vegetables on display hold the promise of delicious meals to be had and flavors to be enjoyed. However, if not

When science communication backfires

Recently, while grabbing drinks with friends, I met someone new and struck up a conversation. After hearing that my dissertation work concerns climate change, they decided to share their thoughts on my research interests. Well, I don't believe in climate change. I thought, the science is clear, maybe this person just doesn't know all the

Mo’ Data, Mo’ Problems

Anyone who has read my previous post on “Why Computers Can't do Everything” knows the Information Technology industry has an uncanny ability to generate a variety of buzzwords to try to convince the public that their computing capability has no limits. In fact, these “buzzwords” have generated so much public interest that Gartner, Inc., a

What Does A Scientist Look Like?

Take a moment, locate a piece of paper, and then draw whatever comes to mind when you think of a scientist. Go ahead… I'll wait. Take a look at what you drew. Did you envision a man or a woman? What race or ethnicity are they? Did you draw a mad scientist like Dr. Frankenstein?

Don’t Believe Everything You Read

Don't Believe Everything You Read: The Importance of Statistics Education Did you know that approximately 73.6% of statistics are made up on the spot?  Now, I don't actually know the true percentage, but this common phrase conveys the idea that at least some statistics are made up. Often times, reported statistics are incorrect or not

The More You Know: Presidential Candidates’ Answers to Science Policy Questions

by Natalie Eldredge The White House, Washington, D.C. by Diego Cambiaso Here's why you should be paying attention to the latest presidential campaign news: whether you hate or love politics, the outcomes of our elections have very real impacts on all of our lives. To catch up on the most recent comments by both candidates,

Food Security in the 21st Century

We need to do more, faster. The food crisis is permanently harming millions of children. They need our help. This is about even more than alleviating human suffering; it is about global peace and stability. –Ban-Ki Moon, UN Secretary General, 2009 Globally, we are food insecure. Rampant food waste, coupled with climate change and unrestricted

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