
It actually isn’t that weird to see grey squirrels in the winter

Close your eyes and imagine the first snowfall in a forest from your favorite film. What are the wildlife doing? What are they preparing for? Now fast forward to the first day of spring: when all the snow melts, the grass grows greener, and the pink flowers immediately blossom. What are the wildlife doing now?

Behind Brown Eyes: Theory of Mind in our Canine Companions

Have you ever looked at your favorite pet and wondered exactly what's going on behind those soulful, amber eyes? For a long time, scientists believed that only humans possessed something called Theory of Mind, that is, the understanding that one is a conscious being, and that others also possess a consciousness of their own. Theory

This looks familiar…

How many times has this happened to you before? You walk into a room–it could be one you've stepped foot in a dozen times that day, or never at all– and hesitate by the doorway. There is something about that space that is nagging at the back of your mind. You decide that, somehow, you

Awake While Dreaming?

You are in a meadow, walking. You reach the edge of a steep cliff, but you don't stop…… wait, are you OK? Yes! You seem to be gliding effortlessly through the cool breeze, feeling fantastic. You realize that you are FLYING! But, what do you want to do next? Talk to God or dine with

How to Build a Better Brain: Failing to Follow Through?

It's officially February, the groundhog predicted an early Spring, and I'm still staying up past 2am every night, despite my resolution to get more sleep. We are a month into 2019, and it's around the time when people start dropping their resolutions like a serious game of hot potato. Why is this? Why do we

Biological Memories

You wake up in the morning and grab breakfast and some coffee. As you head out the door, you slip on your shoes and tie the laces. How did we even learn to do these things that are now second nature to us? We go about our routines, doing actions we've learned without realizing that

Quantum Mechanics and You

This blog post is part III in a three-part series about quantum mechanics. In case you missed them, check out part I here and part II here. The more we learn about the world around us through the lenses of science, philosophy, and our own personal experiences, the more we question the world around us.

Clever Crows: Noticing More Than You Think

For most of history, humans have thought of ourselves as distinguished from the rest of the animal life on this planet. We have the incredible ability to take in the world around us, understand it, and then proceed to manipulate the world to our own advantage. Some have argued what encapsulates our ability to do

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