Natural Philosophers and Seekers of Truths: The Missing “Ph” in “PhD”

The History of the PhD While many students aim to earn their PhDs, few know the philosophical history of the degrees they are pursuing. The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD or DPhil)  began as the degree awarded in recognition of advanced scholarship and acknowledging that recipients had expertise needed to teach at a university level. These

Behind Brown Eyes: Theory of Mind in our Canine Companions

Have you ever looked at your favorite pet and wondered exactly what's going on behind those soulful, amber eyes? For a long time, scientists believed that only humans possessed something called Theory of Mind, that is, the understanding that one is a conscious being, and that others also possess a consciousness of their own. Theory

The Shortage of STEM Education in Rural America

Think back to the moments throughout your life when people asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Did your vision and dream change as you experienced the world? For me, I started out wanting to be a vet because of my deep love for my animals on my small farm, then

Pandemic Preparedness Requires a Macroecological Perspective

Prior to the emergence of COVID-19, there already was a movement to understand infectious disease emergence at the global scale. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, this information has only become more relevant. The macroecology of infectious diseases is an important area of research with great promise for our ability to predict and prepare

Peanut Evolution: From Mini to Jumbo

While I was at my uncle's house this summer, I was looking after my 10-year-old cousin. He was enjoying his peanut butter and jelly sandwich and at a certain point he asked me:  “Where does peanut butter come from?”  “From peanuts.”  “Where do peanuts come from?”  “From a peanut plant.”  While he was satisfied and

Finding Comfort in Uncertainty

Ping! A Google News notification, “This Coffee Drinking Habit May Help Your Brain,” appears. I don't have time to read it now, but I pour myself an extra cup of coffee, feeling justified. The next day, ping! Another Google News notification: “Too much coffee can cause your brain to shrink, increasing your dementia risk by

The Injustice of Texas Senate Bill 8

On September 1st, 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbott passed Senate Bill 8 (SB8) which bans abortion after the first signs of fetal heartbeat. There are no exceptions for pregnancies caused by rape, sexual abuse, or incest. Texas legislators claim that 6 weeks is plenty of time to get an abortion. However, this is not accurate

The rift between us: how jargon isolates scientists

“Therefore, the overall objective of this project is to characterize the changes in mitochondrial metabolism in early VML injury and determine how these contribute to the total decline of muscle contractile and oxidative function.” This was the sentence I used to describe the purpose of my dissertation project to my advisory committee. To them, it

The Monsters That Make You: The Spooky Tale of Selfish DNA

It’s the spooky season and we’re all anticipating monsters crawling out from under our bed, but did you know that there are monsters living inside our very cells! Every living thing has DNA in its cells. It provides the “blue print” for what that living thing is going to be. There can't be any monsters

Dried Chili Peppers” by Yamen is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Why is it spicy?

You look down at the ramen in front of you. The aroma is enticing, smelling of cinnamon, turmeric, and chilies. As the sauce enters your mouth, your eyes start to water, your nose runs, and your whole mouth is on fire, but you love it. Why? People around the world use chili peppers to enhance

Universal Flu Vaccines: Beyond the Seasonal Jab

Sore throat? Stuffy nose? Influenza, or flu, is a nuisance for many every year, causing unwelcome respiratory discomfort that goes away after a few days for most. In some, it can cause more severe disease and even death. Every year, we can get a seasonal flu vaccine to protect ourselves against the virus. But there

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