
The Origins of Rocketry

Curious about how rockets get into the sky? Join Graham as he discusses the origins of rocket engines and the history behind the technology that is still in use today. Sources: Robert Goddard, Goddard's Experiments, Scott Manley's Rocket Plumbing Image Credit: RS-25 engine test (for NASA’s New Rocket) By NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center Flickr: https://flic.kr/p/qsyGca (No Changes) Graham Grable is an undergraduate student

Inbreeding in the Animal Kingdom: What's the big deal?

  References: Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4, Source 5 The music in this podcast was provided by https://soundcloud.com/maverick_xander. About the Author Tyus Williams is an Undergraduate student at UGA studying in Wildlife Biology. He has a passion in Wildlife Conservation with goals to focus on the preservation of big cats for his career. Outside of

The R-Evolution of 3D Printing

Graham talks about the different 3D printing methods and how it is helping scientists and engineers prototype new ideas. 3D printing is even emerging into consumer markets, allowing for 3D models to be made on your desk. Take a listen, and learn about the evolution of 3D printing and how you can get started. Sources: SpaceX

Getting around space, Star Wars style?

Normally the scientific community takes a stab at making science fiction a reality. But, science fiction took a page from science this time around. Learn about how the ion engines of Star Wars work in reality and how it is enabling space exploration, like never before. Links: CubeSat Podcast, Saturn V Rocket, Ion Propulsion Science, Dawn Spacecraft and Ion

CubeSats and You: The Future of Space Exploration

Satellites are often thought to be large and needing millions of dollars to be built. But, can citizen science change that notion with CubeSats? Join Graham Grable as he discusses the potential for using citizen scientists and CubeSats to increase research. To learn more about the Kepler satellite, listen to the project manager for Kepler,

Bionics: Shaping the Future One Body Part at a Time

The loss of limbs, sight, and control of body can lead to a dramatic decrease in the quality of life.  But, an emerging field may offer the solutions needed to fix these problems. Join Graham Grable as he discusses some of the emerging technologies from Bionics. Link One (Macular Degeneration Stats), Link Two (How the Eye Works),

What is Nanotechnology? Part Three: Metamaterials

On this third and final podcast on nanotechnology, invisibility just might be real. Join Graham Grable. as he explores the optical wonders of metamaterials. Be sure to check Part One and Part Two.   Link One (Bio-Sensing), Link Two (Invisibility), Link Three (Extra Read: High-Efficiency Solar Cells)     About the Author Graham Grable is an undergraduate

What is Nanotechnology? Part Two: Carbon Nanotubes

Nanotechnology is rapidly growing field that is proving that very tiny things can have a huge impact. With this podcast, we talk about the impact Carbon Nanotubes can have on our society, and why they are being so heavily researched. Be sure to listen to Part One about Graphene. This podcast is hosted by  Graham Grable.

What is Nanotechnology? Part One: Graphene

You hear about nanotechnology on the radio and television, but what is it? Learn about this and one of the most promising pieces of nanotechnology, graphene, with this podcast hosted by Graham Grable. Link One (Strongest Material), Link Two (Aluminum-Graphene Battery), Link Three (Water Desalination), Link Four (Nobel Prize) About the Author Graham Grable is an undergraduate

Cutting the carbon emissions of 1.21 gigawatts? Great Scott!

Link One (Carbon Pools), Link Two (U.S. Electricity Sources), Link Three (Basin-Decatur Project), Link Four (Wave Energy) Graham Grable is an undergraduate student in the College of Engineering.  Between playing with Arudinos and hanging out with friends, he can be found saving Jebediah in Kerbal Space Program. You can find him online at grahamgrable.com or email

Crop Domestication: From the Wild to the Grocery Store

Links: Sunflower Domestication, Corn Domestication, Wayne Parrott’s GMO Talk, Scientific Article 1, Scientific Article GMO and Crop Domestication, Scientific Article 3 (paywall),UN Food and Agriculture Organization Book Chapter, Nonfiction book partially covering this topic Rishi R. Masalia is a Ph.D graduate student in the Department of Plant Biology at the University of Georgia studying the

The Metamorphosis of the Hybrid

The modern hybrid has transformed into a vehicle of high speed and high fuel efficiency. Below is the Porsche 918 one of the fastest cars in the world, and it's a hybrid. Listen to Graham's podcast below to learn more. Link One (Prius Sales Data), Link Two (Nurburgring Record), Link Three (Porsche 918 Sound), Link Four

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